Dad A year ago yesterday I begged the doctors not to send you home as you were clearly really poorly. I brought you home with what they said was muscular pains. With help from our wonderful neighbours we managed to get you in and sat on. We chatted about everything and you only ate one mouthful of your cheese baguette as you were in pain. You struggled to get comfortable so I put pillows behind your back. You were cold so I placed a blanket over you. At 10pm you told me to go to bed and not to sit in the chair beside you, as you were tired. I kissed you goodnight and tucked you in. Your last words were goodnight car, thanks for everything and love you. I’ll shout if I need you. I got up at 6am and you looked fast asleep so I didn’t disturb you by putting any lights on, as I sat with my coffee I could see that you were not moving or making a sound. I came over to your side calling you but you didn’t wake, I touched your hand and you were so cold. You had gone without me there by your side. I’m heartbroken dad , and miss you every minute of every day. I just pray wherever you have gone , enjoy yourself. I will always love you xxx P